Carrier 50LJQ008 Specifications

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Installation, Start-Up and Service
SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS .................. 1
INSTALLATION ............................ 1-16
Step 1 Provide Unit Support .............. 1
Step 2 Field Fabricate Ductwork ........... 1
Step 3 Make Field Connection for
Condensate Disposal .........................3
Step 4 Rig and Place Unit ................. 3
Step 5 Make Electrical Connections ....... 7
Step 6 Adjust Indoor-Fan Speed ...........13
START-UP ................................17-19
SERVICE ..................................19-21
Installation and servicing of air conditioning equipment
can be hazardous due to system pressure and electrical com-
ponents. Only trained and qualified service personnel should
install, repair or service air conditioning equipment.
Untrained personnel can perform basic maintenance func-
tions of cleaning coils and filters and replacing filters. All
other operations should be performed by trained service per-
sonnel. When working on air conditioning equipment, ob-
serve precautions in the literature, tags and labels attached
to the unit, and other safety precautions that may apply.
Follow all safety codes. Wear safety glasses and work gloves.
Use quenching cloth for unbrazing operations. Have fire ex-
tinguisher available for all brazing operations.
Before performing service or maintenance operations on
unit, turn off main power switch to unit. Electrical shock
could cause personal injury.
Unit is shipped in the vertical configuration. To convert to
horizontal configuration, remove side duct opening covers.
Using the same screws, install covers on vertical duct open-
ings with the insulation-side down. Seals around duct open-
ings must be tight.
IMPORTANT: An external filter kit MUST be used,
or the filters MUST be field-installed outside the unit
on horizontal applications with accessory economizer
or two-position damper. Otherwise, the economizer or
two-position must be partially removed to access the
filters. The area of the field-installed filters should be
equal to the area of the factory-installed filters.
Step 1 Provide Unit Support
ROOF CURB Assemble and install accessory roof curb
in accordance with instructions shipped with curb. See
Fig. 1. Install insulation, cant strips, roofing and counter flash-
ing as shown. Ductwork must be attached to curb, not to the
unit. If electric or control power is to be routed through the
curb, attach the accessory thru-the-curb service connection
plates to the roof curb in accordance with the accessory in-
stallation instructions. Connection plates must be installed
before unit is set in roof curb.
IMPORTANT: The gasketing of the unit to the roof
curb is critical for a watertight seal. Install gasket sup-
plied with the roof curb as shown in Fig. 1. Improp-
erly applied gasket also can result in air leaks and poor
unit performance.
Curb should be level. Unit leveling tolerances are shown
in Fig. 2. This is necessary for unit drain to function prop-
erly. Refer to Accessory Roof Curb Installation Instructions
for additional information as required.
SLAB MOUNT (Horizontal Units Only) Provide a level
concrete slab that extends a minimum of 152 mm (6 in.) be-
yond unit cabinet. The slab should be 203 mm (8 in.) thick
with 102 mm (4 in.) above grade. Install a gravel apron in
front of outdoor coil air inlet to prevent grass and foliage
from obstructing airflow. In areas where high snowfall
occurs, increase height of slab to ensure that snow does not
block coil.
NOTE: Horizontal units may be installed on a roof curb if
Step 2 Field Fabricate Ductwork On verti-
cal discharge units, secure all ducts to roof curb and building
structure. Do not connect ductwork to unit. For horizontal
applications, field-supplied flanges should be attached to hori-
zontal discharge openings and all ductwork attached to the
flanges. Insulate and weatherproof all external ductwork, joints
and roof openings with counter flashing and mastic in ac-
cordance with applicable codes.
Ducts passing through an unconditioned space must be
insulated and covered with a vapor barrier.
If a plenum return is used on a vertical unit, the return
should be ducted through the roof deck to comply with ap-
plicable fire codes.
Aminimum clearance to combustibles is not required around
ductwork on vertical discharge units. On horizontal dis-
charge units, a minimum clearance of 25 mm (one in.) is
required for the first 305 mm (12 in.) of ductwork.
Cabinet return-air static shall not exceed −87 Pa
(−.35 in. wg) with economizer or −112 Pa (−.45 in. wg) with-
out economizer.
50LJQ008,012 (50 Hz)
Single-Package Rooftop Heat Pump Units
Manufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and without incurring obligations.
Catalog No. 015-015 Printed in U.S.A. Form 50LJQ-C1SI Pg 1 1-92 Replaces: New
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Instructions

Installation, Start-Up and ServiceInstructionsCONTENTSPageSAFETY CONSIDERATIONS ... 1INSTALLATION ... 1-16Step

Page 2 - Fig. 1 — Roof Curb Dimensions

Fig. 12 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50;Single Point Kit 50DJ902091Fig. 13 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 5



Page 4 - Table 1A — Physical Data (SI)

FIELD CONTROL WIRING — Install a Carrier-approvedaccessory thermostat assembly according to installation in-structions included with the accessory. Lo

Page 5

Step 6 — Adjust Indoor-Fan Speed — Adjust in-door fan speed to meet jobsite conditions.For units with electric resistance heating, required mini-mum L

Page 6 - Fig. 5 — Base Unit Dimensions

MOTOR MOUNTINGNUTS AND BOLTSFig. 18 — Belt-Drive Motor MountingTable 5A — Fan R/s at Motor Pulley Settings (SI)50LJQMOTOR PULLEY TURNS OPEN01⁄2111⁄222

Page 7

Table 6 — Fan Performance (SI), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge UnitsAIRFLOW(L/s)EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (Pa)50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 4

Page 8

Table 10 — Fan Performance (English), 50LJQ008 (50 Hz) — Horizontal Discharge UnitsAIRFLOW(Cfm)EXTERNAL STATIC PRESSURE (in. wg)0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.

Page 9

START-UPIMPORTANT: Energize crankcase heaters 24 hours priorto base unit start-up to remove entrapped refrigerantfrom the oil. Heaters are energized a

Page 10 - TB — Terminal Block

NOTES:1. In heating mode, economizer damper blade will move to the mini-mum position, and unit will operate as described for units withouteconomizer,

Page 11 - Table 2 — Electrical Data

position of the reversing valves and shuts off the outdoorfan. The electric heaters (if installed) will be energized. Onunits with economizer, the eco

Page 12

ROOF CURBACCESSORY‘‘A’’ UNIT SIZE50DJ90137118-2950LJQ008,012[356]50DJ90138128-09[610]UNIT SIZE ‘‘F’’ POWER ‘‘G’’ CONTROLCONNECTORPKG. ACC.50LJQ008,012

Page 13

CONDENSATE DRAIN — Check and clean each year atstart of cooling season. In winter, keep drain dry or protectagainst freeze-up.FILTERS — Clean or repla


Fig. 25 — Cooling Charging Charts, 50LJQ008Fig. 26 — Cooling Charging Charts, 50LJQ01221

Page 17

Copyright 1992 Carrier CorporationManufacturer reserves the right to discontinue, or change at any time, specifications or designs without notice and w


Step 3 — Make Field Connection for Conden-sate Disposal —Units must have an external trap added.See Fig. 3. A3⁄4-in. FPT connection is located on the

Page 19

Table 1A — Physical Data (SI)BASE UNIT 50LJQ 008 012NOMINAL CAPACITY (kW) 23.2 28.8OPERATING WEIGHT (kg)Unit 381 426With Economizer 401 446Roof Curb 1

Page 20 - Lubrication

Table 1B — Physical Data (English)BASE UNIT 50QJ 008 012NOMINAL CAPACITY (tons) 6.6 8.2OPERATING WEIGHT (lb)Unit 840 940With Economizer 884 984Roof Cu

Page 21


Page 22

Step 5 — Make Electrical ConnectionsUnit cabinet must have uninterrupted, unbroken elec-trical ground to minimize the possibility of personalinjury if

Page 23

Fig. 8 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 400-3-50;Single Point Kit 50DJ902041 and 50DJ902101Fig. 9 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Co

Page 24

Fig. 10 — Electric Heater Power Wiring Connections — 50LJQ, 220-3-50;Single Point Kit 50DJ902031 and 50DJ902081Fig. 11 — Electric Heater Wiring Connec

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