Carrier 58DE User Manual

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Number One
Air Conditioning
Carrier Parkway • Syracuse NY 13221
J .*•. S jyy,. ^
. ... .
: sv V :
Gas-Fired Counterflow Furnace
Before installing the furnace, refer to “Procedure for Gas
Furnace Installation” (packaged with the furnace) for infor
mation concerning combustion, venting, piping, and other
standard installation practices. Further reference is made to
the current edition of the American National Standard
Z223.1 National Fuel Gas Code. This publication covers in
stallation, startup, and maintenance.
The Model 58DE Counterflow Gas-Fired Furnaces are
shipped from the factory completely assembled and internal
ly wired ready for indoor heating installation. The air condi
tioning models have a low-voltage terminal strip for con
venience of field wiring.
The design of the 58DE Gas-Fired Furnaces is A.G.A. cer
tified for installation on combustible flooring (with use of
optional combustible floor base) in alcoves, closets, or utility
rooms; with either natural or liquefied petroleum gas.
________ ______________
(in inches)
Tbp......................................................................................... 1
Vent Connector (single wall)
Type B (double wall)
Front....................................................................................... 6
Provide service clearance of 30 in. at front of unit.
For installation on a combustible floor, see instructions
packaged with the combustible floor base.
For installation on a noncombustible floor, place the furnace
over opening in the floor. Make a seal between the furnace
bottom and the floor to avoid excessive air leakage.
The furnace plenum opening in the floor should correspond
with Figure 5 and Table III.
Installation comprises the following:
*1. Inspection
*11. Location, Ventilation, and Air for Combustion
*III. Gas Piping
*IV. Venting
V. Electrical
VI. Sequence of Operation
VII. Filter Arrangement
VIII. Startup and Adjustment
IX. Care and Maintenance
*Tb perform these sections (or installation steps), refer to
the appropriate sections of “Procedures for Gas-Fired Fur
naces” booklet packaged with this unit.
For accessory installation details, refer to applicable in
stallation literature.
Figure 1 - Model 58DE080
A. Line-Voltage Wiring
IMPORTANT: Before proceeding with the electrical connec
tions, make certain that voltage, frequency, and phase cor
respond to that specified on the unit rating plate. Also, check
to be sure that the service provided by the utility is sufficient
to handle the additional load imposed by this equipment. Re
fer to the unit rating plate for equipment electrical require
l^ecíssesí to «Itet.
Use a separate branch electrical circuit for this furnace. A
disconnecting means must be located within sight of, and
within 50 feet of, the furnace.
B. Low-Voltage Wiring
See Figure 3 for wiring diagram showing the proper field
low-voltage wiring. Make all electrical connections in ac
cordance with the National Electrical Code and any local
codes or ordinances that might apply.
© Carrier Corporation 1977
Form 58DE-1SI
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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - Gas-Fired Counterflow Furnace

Number One Air Conditioning l\MereDcCarrier Parkway • Syracuse NY 13221J .*•. S jyy,. ^. ... . : sv V :SV.I'rtWiVrt'.Ov.'.NGas-Fired

Page 2 - 0.9. If additional con

mFigure 2—Dimensional DrawingTABLE l-DIMENSIONS IN INCHESSIZE 58DEADEVENT SIZE SHIP WT050-20014 Vs]2%12 У4 131080-1001714Ì5V4164 138080-20017У2]5% 164

Page 3

n#the wires pass from the thermostat should, be adequately sealed with suitable material to prevent drafts" from affecting the thermosta

Page 4 - Wire/Speed Tap No

LINE-TO-LINE WIRING DIAGRAMSFigure 7—Units Equipped for CooiingFigure 8—Heating-Only UnitsTABLE IV-SPEED SELECTORWire/Speed Tap No.White/CommonCBlack/

Page 5

TABLE V-TROUBLE ANALYSIS CHART7^ Off 98« ptmer supply to o»it before searyioli^ <«stless 4S|»8<^^te8t reooires 9ds and electrtc supji^ies^.SYMPT

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