ZONEKIT4ZCARComfort ZoneInstallation and Start-Up InstructionsNOTE: Read the entire instruction manual before starting theinstallation.TABLE OF CONTEN
heater. The electric strip heat is much more expensive to operatewhen comparing cost per unit of heat. Because auxiliary stages ofheating tend to be m
NOTE: Comfort Zone uses a 3-minute timer to delay start ofsecond-stage (heating or cooling). This timer is started wheneverfirst-stage heating or cool
then temperature at which first stage will be shut down will beoffset 5°F above limit value (110°F to 114°F). If limit temperatureis between 110°F and
If a value of 105 to 110 is selected (second-stage heating isturned off at this value) then the first-stage high temperaturetrip limit is the programm
7. Write down on a piece of paper AND GIVE TO THEOWNER a list showing what rooms are controlled by whatdampers, and their corresponding zone numbers.
Cool SwitchOFF—Cooling will not come on.AUTO—Cooling will come on when any zone is more than 1.5°Fabove desired cool setpoint.Fan SwitchON—Fan will st
Press ADVANCE TIME/DAY button until desired start timeis displayed.6. Adjust setpoints.Adjust setpoints using up and down buttons until desiredtempera
OUTSIDE AIR TEMPERATURE SENSORThe Outside Air Temperature Sensor must be used whenever anOutside Air Damper is installed. An Outside Air TemperatureSe
Table 11—Toggle SummaryTOGGLE SETTING ON OFF DEFAULT(T1)-Timeguard OverrideTimeguard delay is 30 sec, overrides 5-minute delay be-tween de-energizing
Table 12—Operating ProblemsSYMPTOM POSSIBLE CAUSENo DisplayThermostat is not receiving power.1. Verify that comfort zone center is receiving 24 vac. (
2. Use vibration isolators (flex connectors) on zone dampers andduct work to minimize noise.3. Place dampers away from areas that may be noise sensiti
Table 13—Storage Failure ErrorsError Display (Dial Position T4) must be turned on.SF ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION SOLUTION01 Temperature Programming Error R
Table 14—Hardware Failure ErrorsError Display (Dial Position T4) must be turned on.HF ERROR CODE DESCRIPTION SOLUTION40 Zone 1 Temperature SensorBad s
Fig. 19—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Fan Coil with Air Conditioner) ContinuedA94034EUNIT 24 VAC (R)2-SPEEDAIR CONDITIONER(38TD)YellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGr
UNIT 24 VAC (R)Y2RC2-SPEEDAIR CONDITIONER(38TD)YellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackCOOL 1 (Y1)COOL 2 (Y2)HEAT 1 (W1)HEAT 2 (W2)FAN (G)RV-COOL (O)
Fig. 20—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Furnace with Air Conditioner) ContinuedLocking furnace into "low fire" may help prevent over conditioning i
Fig. 21—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Fan Coil with Heat Pump)UNIT 24 VAC (R)STANDARDSINGLE SPEEDHEAT PUMPYellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackCOOL 1 (
Fig. 21—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Fan Coil with Heat Pump) ContinuedUNIT 24 VAC (R)2-SPEEDHEAT PUMP(38YD)YellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackCOOL
Fig. 22—Typical Wiring Diagram (Furnace with Heat Pump)UNIT 24 VAC (R)YW2STANDARDSINGLE SPEEDHEAT PUMPYellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackCOOL 1
Table 1—Wiring RequirementsFROMCOMFORT ZONECENTER TONO.OF WIRESGAGEMAX.LENGTH(FT)Four Zone Controller3‡ 18/22 200/1005‡ 18/22 200/100Remote Room Sen-s
Fig. 22—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Furnace with Heat Pump) ContinuedUNIT 24 VAC (R)CRY2L2-SPEEDHEAT PUMP(38YD)YellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackC
Fig. 22—Typical Wiring Diagrams (Furnace with Heat Pump) ContinuedUNIT 24 VAC (R)CRY1O2-SPEEDHEAT PUMP(38YD)YellowRedBlueWhiteBrownGreenOrangeBlackC
Comfort Zone Configuration TableTOGGLE DESCRIPTIONFACTORYDEFAULTRECORDJOB SETTINGT1 Timeguard Override OFFT2 Celsius Temperature Display OFFT3 2400 Ba
Before insulating the duct work, check for proper damper opera-tion. Apply the 24vac between COM and OPN to open the damperand COM and CLS to close th
2. Secure flexible duct to zone damper using SMACNA or otherapproved method.3. Properly seal joint using duct tape, mastic, or other approvedmethod. D
5. Insert 2-conductor wiring through 1 of pre-drilled holes in sideof back plate.6. Connect sensor to 2-wire conductor using provided wire nuts.(See F
Fig. 16—Comfort Zone System Wiring DiagramA94311Zone DampersDx CoilSensor(optional)Outside AirSensor(optional)DuctSensorZone 2*Zone 3*Zone 4*Zon
Changing the base temperatures will change the ComfortTemperature Setpoints used in the system schedules. Alwaysset the Base Temperatures prior to pro
If Fan Switch on 4 zone controller is set to ON instead of Auto,then system fan will run continuously. Any time Comfort Zone isoperating fan, it will
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