Carrier 398A Operator's Manual

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Summary of Contents

Page 1 - TM 11-5820-398-35


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j. Set the rf output of the AN/URM-48for 53.00 mc, modulated ±10 kc by a 1,000-cps tone.k. Set the BAND switch of the receiver-transmitter at 53-75, a

Page 4 - TM 5820-396-35-CI-9

CHAPTER 4FOURTH ECHELON MAINTENANCESection I. FOURTH ECHELON46. Scope of Fourth Echelon RepairsFourth echelon maintenance includesthose functions allo

Page 5

secure the selector mechanismhousing assembly to the chassis.(6) Replace tuning capacitors C1 andC2 and secure them with fourscrews.Note: Do not tigh

Page 6

Figure 36. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, top view, audio and controlchassis open.Figure 37. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, fr

Page 7 - TM5820-398-35-CI-4

and secure it with the three audioand control chassiscaptivescrews.48. Removal and Replacement of SelectorMechanism(fig. 37, 38, and 40)a. Removal.(1)

Page 8

Figure 38. Front panel, rear view.Figure 39. Tuning capacitor assembly.65

Page 9 - Figure 22.1

Figure 40. Tuning knob assembly.Section II. FOURTH ECHELON ALIGNMENT49. Generala. Scope of Fourth Eohelon AlignmentProcedures. Fourth echelon alignme

Page 10

rotation curve by turning C1 counterclockwise (fromshaft end) and noting that the 520 indicates a de-crease in capacity. Reset to 68 microfarads (uuf

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Figure 41.(2)(3)nections or test indications thatmay differ from those given inthe test procedures.Unless otherwise specified, alltests are to be perf

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Figure 42.70

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Figure 43.72

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Figure 44.74

Page 20 - Page 124, figure 61

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Figure 48.86

Page 31 - O. 3 from the unattenuated

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63.figure 4991

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Figure 50.94

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65.figure 5199

Page 41 - RADIO SET AN/PRC-25

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Figure 52.102


66.figure 52103

Page 44 - CHAPTER 2

67. Summary of Test DataPersonnel may find it convenient toarrange the checklist in a manner similarto that shown below.TestTestPerformance standardda

Page 45 - SSO) output

CHAPTER 5FIFTH ECHELON MAINTENANCE68. Scope of Fifth Echelon MaintenanceThe functions allocated to fifth echelonmaintenance level include troubleshoot

Page 47

(2) Connect the handset to eitherAUDIO connector.b. Performance Test.(1) Press the handset push-to-talkswitch.(2) Set the ME-26 B/U to the 300-volt,dc

Page 48

Figure 53. Module A1 parts location.108

Page 49 - Figure 1

(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)procedure given in (9) above shouldbe 1,100 kc.Change the receiver-transmitterBAND switch to 53-75.Adjust the AN/URM-48 freque

Page 50 - Figure 2

Figure 54. Module A2 parts location.diagrams and to figures 55 and 56 for test(2)points and parts location.a.Preparation.(1) Prepare the following equ

Page 51

noted in (3) above. Record the fre-(b) Dc voltage chart.(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)quency.Increase the AN/URM-48 fre-quency until the output level indi-cated

Page 52

(11)(12)indication cannot be increased bytuning.Remove the shorting jumper frompins E and H of J9.Replace A5.74. Isolating Trouble in Module AS(fig. 3

Page 53

(9)(10)(11)(12)Figure 56. ModuleIncrease the AN/URM-48 fre-quency until the level indicated bythe 411A is again at the levelnoted in (5) above. Record

Page 54 - A24, schematic diagram

receiver-transmitter front panel controlsas follows:(1) Turn the BAND switch to 30-52.(2) Turn the tuning knobs to 30.00 mc.(3) Turn the function swit

Page 55

(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)(22)frequency difference is the 3-dbbandwidth, which should be 1,200kc.Adjust the AN/URM-48 frequencyto 52

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(9)(lo)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)Repeat the procedures given in (1)through (8) above until the 411Aindication cannot be increased bytuning.Set t

Page 58

(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(lo)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)Connect the 411A across the AN/URM-48 output. Press the push-to-talk switch. Adjust the AN/URM-48f

Page 59

(2) After the replacement of a faultypart, perform the alignment proce-dures given in d and e below, andrepeat the procedures in a and babove.d. Pr

Page 60 - Figure 10

Figure 59. Module(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(lo)(11)(12)tain a O-db indication on the 411A.Increase the AN/URM-48 fre-quency until the 411A indicates a3-db decrea

Page 61 - Figure 11

(22) If the gain and bandwidth do notmeet the standards of the proce-dure, proceed to c below.c. Faulty Parts Isolation.(1) Remove module A9. Connect

Page 62

Figure 60. Module A8, parts location.Connect the ME-26B/U to A9J3.Connect the 411A to A9J4.Set the receiver-transmitter frontpanel controls as follows

Page 63 - A29 is a pentode-type

(9)(10)(11)(12)(13)Disconnect the 411A from J20. Re-place A14. Connect the 411A toA9J4.Set the receiver-transmitterBAND switch to 53-75.While rotating

Page 64

(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)(20)(21)50 kc, as indicated by the AN/USM-26.If the frequency difference givenin (11) above is greater than thatgiven in (7) above

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(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(10)Figure 61. Module A9, parts location.47.050; the 411A should indicate0.2 volt.Set the tuning knobs for 30.30 mc.The AN/USM-26 shoul

Page 66

(7)(8)(9)(10)A10J3 ana reconnect the AN/USM-26. The AN/USM-26 should indi-cate 5.6000 mc.Connect the H-138/U to an AUDIOconnector and press the push-t

Page 67

Figure 62. Module A10, parts location.(3) Turn the receiver-transmitterfunction switch to ON.b. Dc output Level Test.(1)(2)(3)(4)Connect the AN/URM-48

Page 69 - A15, schematic diagram

(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Adjust transformer T1 for a maxi-mum dc indication on the ME-26B/U.Set the output of the AN/URM-48to 5.20 mc.Adjust transformer T2 for

Page 70 - 10 is coupled

(a) Signal voltage chart.Point of measurementVolts (rma )~----------------------------(b) Dc voltage chart.0.0080.00.800.10Point of measurementVoltag

Page 71 - Figure 19

procedure given in (8) above dif-fers from that indicated in (5) aboveby more than 2 db, proceed to thealignment procedures in c below.(10) If the ind

Page 72

83. Isolating Trouble in Module A14(fig. 17 and 66)a. Preparation.(1) Prepare the following equipment:(a) Signal Generator AN/URM-48.(b) Frequency Met

Page 73 - A12, schematic diagram

(9)through (7) above and adjust T2 un-til the indications given in (4) and(6) above are equal. Perform thisstep as required.Replace module A9.c. Fault

Page 74

Figure 67, Module A15, parts location.(receptacle for A16) and insert A16into the module extender.(2) Prepare Multimeter ME-26B/U.(3) Set the front pa

Page 75

(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)Rf Millivoltmeter 411A.Oscilloscope AN/USM-50A.R. F. Signal Generator AN/URM-25F.Frequency Meter AN/USM-26.Module

Page 76

Figure 69. Module A17, parts locationb. Gain Test.(1) Connect the AN/URM-25F be-(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)tween pin F of A18J1 and ground.Connect the 411A and th

Page 77 - Dc-to-Dc Converter Module Al

(a) Signal voltage chart.Point of measurementVolta (rms)Q1 base -------------------—---Ql emitter ---— ----------------Ql collector ------------------

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(15)(16)(17)(18)(19)A20J2 and connect the AN/USM-26to that point.Press the push-to-talk switch.The AN/USM-26 should indicate11.5485 mc ±300 cps.Releas

Page 79

CHANGENo. 2Changes in force C 1 and C 2TM 11-5820-398-35C2HEADQUARTERSDEPARTMENT OF THE ARMYWASHINGTON , D. C., 22 April 1965Field and Depot Mainte

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Figure 71. Module A19, parts location.Place the alignment cover (fig. 28)on A20.(3) Insert themoduleextender into J16(receptacle for A20). Insert A20i

Page 81

(b) DC voltage chart.Point of measurementQ1 tW3~ -------------------Q1 emitter -------—--— -------Q1 collector ---------------—--CR1-C4 junction----


(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)(lo)(11)(12)(13)(14)(15)(16)(17)(18)Adjust the output of the AN/URM-48 until the voltage indicated on the411A is 100 millivolts.

Page 83

Point of mewurementMillivolta (rms)Q5 colleotoro ----------------160Q5 baeeo -------------------49Q6collecto@ -------------------1.65Q6 ksecvolts----

Page 84 - Section II. THIRD ECHELON

(4)given above for 300 cps, 2 kc, and3 kc. Normal test results for eachsetting is 3.5 percent. Normal out-put signal level for each setting is1.4 volt

Page 85

c. Faulty Part Isolation.(1) Measure the voltages at the pointslisted in the charts in (a) and (b)below. Compare them with the nor-mal signal and dc

Page 86

(8)(9)(10)(11)Increase the TS-382F/U frequencyto 160 cps. The ME-26B/U indica-tion should remain zero.Increase the TS-382F/U frequencyto 170 cps. The

Page 87

(3)Figure 76. Module A24, parts location.Measure the voltages at the pointslisted in the charts in (a) and (b)below. Compare them with the nor-mal si

Page 88

Figure 77. Module A25, parts location.d. Remove retaining ring (12) fromshaftassembly (30) and remove shaft assembly(30), with thrust washer (31) and

Page 89

o. Remove spring (83) and sleeve (84)from mask assembly (53).p. Remove retaining ring (79) that se-cures arm assembly (78) to shaft assem-bly (57). Re

Page 90

figure 10 figure 10.1 Page 20.TM5820-398-35-C2-1Figure 10.1.2

Page 91 - Procedure

assembly (63) on shaft assembly (75). Alignthe holes; insert and secure taper pin (62)and setscrew (64).f. Place thrust washer (77) and spurgear (73)

Page 92

Figure 78. Selector mechanisrn, exploded view.148

Page 93

1 Retaining ring2 Sleeve3 Bushing4 Arm5 Pin6 Spring7 Taper pin8 Setscrew9 Screw10 Lockwasher11 Plate12 Retaining ring13 Taper pin14 stop15 Setsc

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1 Coupling assembly2 Screw3 Support bearing assembly4 Hexagonal nut5 Washer6 Board assembly7 Header-shield assembly8 Cover910111213141516LockwasherPan

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Page 43, paragraph 36a, (page 8 of C 1) chart.Delete the last line and substitute: RF Millivolt-meter, Hewlett-Packard Model HP411A.Page 56, figur

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161Figure 85.

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Figure 86.163

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Figure 87.165

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APPENDIXREFERENCESTA 11-17TA 11-100 (11-17)TM 11-1257TM 11-5057TM 11-5097TM 11-5129TM 11-5133TM 11-5551ETM 11-5820-398-10TM 1l-5820-398-20TM 11-5820-3

Page 107

INDEXParagraphAdditional equipment required:Fourth echelon testing procedures---Third echelon maintenance ---------Alignment:Power amplifier tank modu

Page 108 - If avail


Page 109

ParagraphPublications, index -------------------Quarter-wave network, module A19,theory----------------------------Reassembly, selector mechanism ----

Page 110 - Figure 42

Paragraph PageParagraph PageA2------------------------------A3 A4 A5------------------------------A6------------------------------A7 A8 --------------

Page 111

By Order of Secretary of the Army:Official:J. C. LAMBERT,Major General, United States Army,The Adjutant General.DistributionActive Army:174DASA (6)USA

Page 112 - Figure 43

WARNINGDANGEROUS VOLTAGES EXIST IN THIS EQUIPMENTWhen Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25is in a transmit condition, 45 volts dc and 125 voltsdc

Page 113

Figure 61.1.Page 124, figure 61.Add figure 61.1 after figure 61:4TAGO 8344-A

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PIN: 018817-000

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This fine document...Was brought to you by me: Liberated Manuals -- free army and government manualsWhy do I do it? I am tired of sleazy CD-ROM sell

Page 117 - Figure 45

Page 151. Add chapter 6 after figure 79:CHAPTER 6DEPOT INSPECTION STANDARDS98. Applicability of Depot Inspection Stand-(2)ardsThe tests outlined in th

Page 118

EquipmentSwitch, tig~e, singl&pole, singl~throw -------------------------------------------------Barrier terminal biock, Cinch Jones type No. 2-17

Page 119

Eguipmenf,d?rd dock No. %%2Capacitor, O.05pf +10To,4M vdc-----------------------------------------------------Wire, stranded AWGNo. l8----------------

Page 120 - Figure 46

Figure 79.2. Test cables No. 4, No.5, and No.6.8TAGO 8344-A

Page 121

Figure 79.3. Test cables No. 7, No. 8, and No. 9.TACO 8344-A9

Page 122 - Figure 47

Figure 79.4. Receiver dummy antenna, schematicand wiring diagrame.10TAGO 8344-A

Page 123

Figure 79.5.11TACO 8344-A

Page 124 - Figure 48

Figure 79.6. Test assembly, schematic/wiring diagram.12TAGO 8344A

Page 125

101. General Test RequirementsMost of the tests will he performed under theconditions listed below and illustrated in figure 79.7(for the receiver sys

Page 127 - Figure 49

Figure 79.7.14TAGO 8344-A

Page 128

103. Transmitter Test Setup(fig. 79.8)a. Plug the test assembly connector into POWERconnector J3 on the front panel of the RT–505/PRC-25.b. Connect a

Page 129

Figure 79.8.16TAGO 8344-A

Page 130 - Figure 50

(7)(8)723A/U (used as a vacuum-tube voltmeter)should be not greater than 0.02 volt.Reestablish the standard receiver testconditions; use the HP-200AB

Page 131

the space between module Al0 and thebrass wheel-like part of the coupling.(3) Adjust RT-505/PRC-25 to a frequency50-kc higher than its current setting

Page 132

(9)(l0)Repeat the procedures given in (7) and(8) above except increase the RF output70 db to determine the 70-db-downpoints. The 70-db-down points sho

Page 133 - Figure 51

(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)Record the RF and audiofrequenciesbeing used and the deviation indicated onthe ME-57/U.Set the test assembly TRANSMITTERCARRIER switch

Page 134

Short antenna loadingLoad characteristics————-—————MinimumTest frequency (mc)ResistancevoltageCapacitancee (rms)(ohms)——————(uff)—— —— —————30.00-----

Page 135

106. Miscellaneous System Tests and In-spection, Radio Set AN/PRC-25a. Tests.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)Perform the miscellaneous system testswith the equipmen

Page 136 - Figure 52

By Order of the Secretary of the Army:official:J. C. LAMBERT,Major General, United States Amy,The Adjutant General.Distribution:Active Army:USASA (2)C

Page 137

2Figure 5.1.TM 5820-396-35-CI-9


TM 11-5820-398-35Technical ManualNo. 11-5820-398-35CHAPTERC HAPTERSectionCHAPTERSectionCHAPTERSectionCHAPTERA PPENDIX1.2.I.II.3.I.II.III.IV.4.I.II.III

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CHAPTER 1INTRODUCTION1. Scopea. This manual covers field and depotmaintenance for Radio Set AN/PRC-25. Itincludes instructions appropriate to third,fo

Page 142

CHAPTER 2THEORYSection I. BLOCK3. Receiving Signal Path(fig. 82)Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25 is tunable in 50-kilocycle (kc)increments ov

Page 143

f. The receiver audio amplifier output,including the 150-cps tone, is applied tothe squelch input amplifier. The squelchinput amplifier with the emitt

Page 144

those used for transmission, unless other-wise indicated, by subtraction of 50 kcfrom the given frequency.a. The vfo output frequency ranges from41.50

Page 145 - (d) Adapter UG-274B/U

also has an input from the 50-kc intervaloscillator.g. The- 50-kc interval oscillator gen-erates one of three frequencies: 5.55 mc,5.60 mc, or 5.65 mc

Page 146 -

(2)High band. Transformer T3, fixedcapacitor C11, trimmer capacitorC9, and tuning capacitor C2C makeup the tuned circuit. Switch S1-Dshorts the low-ba

Page 147

9Figure 1.

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Figure 2.10

Page 150 - C voltage chart

(2)the tuned circuit consisting of ca-pacitor C9 and the primary windingof transformer T1.The combination of resistors R2and R3, R7 and R8, and R11 an

Page 151

tively. Resistors R17 and R21 arecollector load resistors for Q4 andQ5, respectively.c. Receiver Discriminator Driver Q6.The receiver discriminator dr

Page 152 - A7, parts location

Figure 4. Receiver audio amplifierlower Q2 have a common emitter resistor,R6. Transistor Q2 operates near satura-tion. Audio input signals from the au

Page 153

cycles of the 150-cps signal will causethe amplifier-detector to conduct. The out-put developed across collector load resis-tor R18 is a negative-goin

Page 154

coupling capacitor C7 to the base of outputlimiter Q3. The output limiter signal isdeveloped across collector load resistorsR17 and R18. The audio out

Page 155

13. Tone Generator Module A23(fig. 7)The tone oscillator functions only duringtransmission. The 150-cps output tone isapplied to the speech amplifier

Page 156

network contributes a stability f actor about40 times greater than that of a free-run-ning oscillator.a. Sidestep Oscillator Module.(1)(2)(3)The audio

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Figure 8. Sidestep oscillator module A20, schematic diagram.isolation, and proper match for the vfosignal applied to the fss. An output fromthe vfo is

Page 158

Figure 9. Quarter-wave network module A19, schematic diagram.emitter. Inductor L3 and capacitorC13 form a filter network to pre-vent rf leakage into t

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Figure 10.20

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Figure 11.21

Page 162 - ±2 db, repeat

decreasing the total capacitance. The rfinput to module A8 can be measured attest jack J2.d. Inductor L2 and capacitors C6 andC7 (in the main frame (f

Page 163 - Voltage (de)

c. Capacitors C2 and C3 and inductorL1 prevent rf variations from reaching the-45-volt dc supply. The combination ofresistors R2 and R3 provides fixed

Page 164 - Voltage (de)

Figure 13. Transmitter ipa module A6, schematic diagram.the -45-volt supply. A pi-type filter con-sisting of capacitors C2 and C5 and induc-tor L2 pre

Page 165

Figure 14. Power amplifier A29, schematic diagram.L1 (low band) or capacitor C4 (high band)through switch SIB, through pin 3 of 2AJ1and pin 9 of J7 to

Page 166

Figure 15. Power amplifier tank module A2, schematic diagram.controls tune inductorswhich are in series withc. The tuningL1, L2, and L3,capacitors C2

Page 167

Figure 16. Antenna loading network A28, schematic diagram,Figure 17. First mixer module A14, schematic diagram.27

Page 168

ing of diode CR3, capacitor C5, and re-sistor R8, to the center tap of the primaryof transformer T2. It is terminated in atuned network consisting of

Page 169

(2)Figure 18. 1-mc spectrum generator moduleC10 to the selected crystal ((2) be-low), and the contacts of S1A to theemitter of Q2; this action com-ple

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5Figure 7.1. TM5820-398-35-CI-4

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(4)and A10J1 and current-limiting re-sistor R7 to the anode of CM. Thispositive voltage forward biasesCR2; the diode conducts heavily andallows the re

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Figure 19.31

Page 173

Figure 20. 53-Mc filter module A 13, sthematic diagramthe filter properly and minimize varia-tions due to the varying impedances oftransistors. The rf

Page 174 - Millivolts

Figure 21. Second mixer moduleA12, schematic diagram.output termination and minimizesvariations due to discriminatorloading. The combination of resis-

Page 175

Figure 22. Speech amplifier limiter module A18, schematic diagram.transformer T1. Resistors R1 and R2 forma voltage divider which provides the fixed-b

Page 176

(4)(5)Figure 23. Phase comparator module A17, schematic diagram.since E1 and E2 voltages are ex-actly 180° out-of -phase.If the vfo frequency increase

Page 177

apc voltage in its output circuit. The twoinput signals are the fss if. signal from thefss if. amplifier module A18 (para 27) anda dc voltage from pha

Page 178

Figure 24. Fss discriminatormaintains a constant voltage drop. When theoutput voltage increases due to a decreasein load or an increase in the input v

Page 179

38(2)Figure 25. Voltage regulator module A16, schematic diagram.condition induces a voltage in thefeedback winding of transformerT1. The voltzage is a

Page 180

used in conjunction with Test Set, Elec-tronic Plug-in Circuit AN/GRM-55 to iso-late a faulty module at the organizationallevel. If usedproperly, howe

Page 182 - Figure 78 - Continued

the output of oscillator Q1 (in A10) to bechecked. A typical rf signal level at thistest point is 0.2 volt. Test point J3 permitsthe output of oscilla

Page 183

the 0A-3633/GRC. The power distributionwhen a BA-386/PRC-25 is used is similarexcept that a shorting cap is installed onJ3 and the BA-386/PRC-25 is co

Page 184

CHAPTER 3THIRD ECHELON MAINTENANCESection I. GENERAL TROUBLESHOOTING TECHNIQUESWarning: Be extremely careful when servicing the RT-505/PRC-25. During


PRC-25. The charts also list the associ-ated technical manuals for the equipment.a. Test Equipment.‘hat equipmentMultimeter ME-26 B/U ---R;3tV#meter

Page 186

Figure 28. Typical alignment cover formodule A20.Section II. THIRD ECHELON TROUBLESHOOTINGCaution: Do not attempt removal or replacement of parts bef

Page 187

(d) Connect Handset H-138/U to oneof the receiver-transmitter AU-DIO connectors.(e) Set the receiver-transmittercontrols as follows:ControlPosition o

Page 188

Item345646IndicationReceived signals are not heard,but a rushing noise is heard fnthe H-138/U when the functionswitch is at ON and the longantenna is

Page 189

Item78Indicationeither band when the hmctionswitch is at ON. Transmitoperation is normal.A rush?noise is heard in theH-138 U when the function switcis

Page 190 - Figure 85

Item9101112indicationin the H-138/U with. the iimctionswitch at SQUELCH.b output ia heard in the H-138/Uwhen the function switch ia atSQUELCH in eith

Page 191 - Figure 86

Item131415Mm12IndicationReceives signal on the wrongchannel. Transmit operationis normal.High-frequency noise in the audiooutput.Tuning knobs do not f

Page 192 - Figure 87

7TM5820-398-35-CI-2Figure 22.1.

Page 193

Item3450Indicationo rf Power output indicated on theAN/URM-43A on one band. Re-ceiver operation ia normal onboth bands.o rf power output indicated on


Item56789101112Indication?ranamits and receives signals onwrong channel on either band.?ranamits signal on wrong channelon either band.” Receiver

Page 195

Item13141516Indicationis at SQUELCH. Receiver oper-ation is normal.Transmits a modulated carrierthat cannot be received when anRT-505/PRC-25 at the re

Page 196

Figure 29. Transmitter power amplifier test points and parts location.Section III. THIRD ECHELON REPAIRS40. Scope of Third Echelon Repairsand all othe

Page 197

41. Removal and Replacement of Audioand Control Chassis A27(fig. 32)a. Removal.(1)(2)(3)(4)(5)(6)(7)(8)(9)Remove modules A21 through A25as described i

Page 198

55Figure 30. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, bottom view.


Figure 31. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, bottom view, modules removed.56

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Figure 32. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, top view.57

Page 201 - PIN: 018817-000

TM 5820-398-35-31Figure 33. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, top view, modules removed.58

Page 202 - This fine document

Figure 34. Receiver-Transmitter, Radio RT-505/PRC-25, top view,audio and control chassis A27 open.Section IV. THIRD ECHELON ALIGNMENTNote: Third eche

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