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For example, using the Corrected Heat of Rejection
from the last step:
If the units selected are not within 10% of the load
calculations, review what effect changing the GPM,
water temperature and/or airflow will have on the
corrected capacities. If the desired capacity cannot
be achieved, select the next larger or smaller unit
and repeat Steps I through VI.
VIII AHRI/ISO/ASHRAE 13256-1 Conversion
Performance standard AHRI/ISO/ASHRAE
13256-1 became effective on January 1, 2000 and
replaced the existing AHRI Standards 320 Water-
Loop Heat Pumps (WLHP), 325 Ground-Water
Heat Pumps (GWHP), and 330 Ground-Loop Heat
Pumps (GLHP).
The AHRI/ISO Standard incorporates a consistent
rating methodology for including fan and pump
energy for calculating cooling capacity, heating
capacity, and energy efficiency ratios (EER). This
simplifies the use of rating data for heat pump per-
formance modeling in seasonal energy analysis cal-
culations, and allows for direct rating comparisons
across applications.
a) ISO Capacity and Efficiency Equations
The following equations are used to calculate and
correct cooling capacity, heating capacity, and re-
spective EER:
ISO Cooling Capacity = (Cooling Capacity in
Btuh) + (Fan Power Correction in Watts x 3.412)
ISO Cooling EER = (ISO Cooling Capacity in
Btuh/3.412)/(Power Input in watts – fan power
correction in watts + pump power correction in
watts) = Watts/Watts
ISO Heating Capacity = (Heating Capacity in
Btuh) – (Fan Power Correction in Watts x 3.412)
ISO Heating COP = (ISO Heating Capacity in
Btuh/3.412)/(Power Input in watts – fan power
correction in watts + pump power correction in
watts) = Watts/Watts
b) Identify the design conditions corrected for air and
water conditions.
Airflow Cfm = 2400 Cfm
Water Flow (based upon 11.4 F rise in temp) =
15.0 GPM
External Static Pressure = 0.5 in. wg
Water Pressure Drop = 4.3 ft of head
Cooling Power Input = 5,960 watts
Cooling Capacity = 64,365 Btuh
Heating Power Input = 5,500 watts
Heating Capacity = 86,000 Btuh
c) Perform Fan Power Correction Adjustment
Use the following formula to calculate Fan Power
Fan Power
Correction = (Cfm x 0.472) x (External Static
Pressure x 249)/300 = Watts
= (2400 x 0.472) x (0.5 x 249)/300
= 470 Watts
d) Perform Pump Power Correction Adjustment
Use the following formula to calculate Pump Pow-
er Correction:
Pump Power
Correction = (GPM x 0.0631) x (Pressure Drop
x 2,990)/300
= Watts
= (15.0 x 0.0631) x
(4.3 x 2,990)/300
= 41 Watts
e) Perform Cooling Capacity Calculation
Use the following formula to calculate cooling
ISO Cooling
Capacity = (Cooling Capacity) + (Fan Power
Correction x 3.412)
= 64,365 + (470 x 3.412)
= 65,969 Btuh
f) Perform Cooling EER Calculation
ISO EER = (ISO Cooling Capacity/3.412)/
(Cooling Power Input – Fan Power
Correction + Pump Power
= Watts/Watts
= (65,969/3.412)/(5,960 – 470 + 41)
= 3.50 Watts/Watt
= 11.9 Btuh/Watt
g) Perform Heating Capacity Calculation
Use the following formula to calculate heating
ISO Heating
Capacity = (Heating Capacity) – (Fan Power
Correction x 3.412)
= 86,000 – (470 x 3.412)
= 84,396 Btuh
h) Perform Heating COP Calculation
ISO EER = (ISO Heating Capacity/3.412)/
(Heating Power Input – Fan Power
Correction + Pump Power
= Watts/Watts
= (86,000/3.412)/(5,500 – 470 + 41)
= 4.97 Watts/Watt
= 17.0 Btuh/Watt
Actual Temperature
= 11.4 F
15.0 x 500
Selection procedure (cont)
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